Online bidder registration is now closed. You can still register for a bidder number in person at the auction.
When you arrive, please head to the check-in table at the back of the store and give us your name. We’ll provide you with your yellow bidder card. This will be used during the live auction. We will also provide you with sealed-bid tickets pre-populated with your bidder number. These will be used for the sealed-bid auction. You can check the schedule for live and sealed-bid auctions here.
The live auction will be held outside behind the store. Please make sure that you bring anything you need for your comfort outside, including sunscreen and water. Live auction items are scheduled in 1-hour blocks. To bid, simply raise your bidder card so that the auctioneer can see your bidder number. (We will have some free cold water, large fans, tents, and chairs.)
Sealed-bid auctions will be held inside the store in our regular play space area. Please note: this year there will be no silent auctions. We can auction more games, more quickly by only hosting sealed-bid auctions, and no worries about sniping or keeping an eye on your bids. We hope you will like this change.
To bid on sealed-bid items, please use the pre-printed sealed bid ticket that already has your bidder number on it and neatly print your maximum bid on it. Please make sure that your bid is at least the minimum bid. Minimum bids are set by the seller. Place your ticket in the bag corresponding to the item you’d like to win. You may only place one bid per item, and the highest bid will win. (Ties will be resolved by the roll of a die, of course.) Please move out of the sealed-bid area when you are done placing your bids to give others access to the bags.
As each auction block finishes, please allow us some time to process all the bids and enter the winners into our system. Once the data is entered, auction results will be displayed on this website as well as on the TVs inside the store. You may also scan the QR code on your bidder card to specifically see items your bidder number has won. Please wait to check out until results have been posted for all auctions in which you plan to bid. At that time, please head directly to either register, and give them your bidder number to pay. You may, and we encourage you to, buy new items from Labyrinth at the same time as buying your used games.
Please note: You MUST pay for your winning bids and take the items with you on the day of the auction! Please don't leave without them! All sales of auction items are final. Item descriptions were provided by the individual sellers and have not been verified by Labyrinth. We encourage you to ask questions and inspect the games so you are satisfied with the condition before placing any bids. (You may carefully open and look inside any games that are not sealed.) Games for the next hour’s live auction may be previewed at a table right inside the back door.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read through this. We are hoping everything runs smoothly and safely, and we truly appreciate you doing your part to make that happen. Please talk to a Labyrinth staff member if you have any questions or concerns.
Happy bidding!